Today I'm going to share with you the origin version of the interview with Italian singer, composer and just cool guy Son Pascal. And a little bit of photoshoot and backstage photos;D
Hope you enjoy it;D
Dana: Tell something about yourself: Who are you? Where you can be usually found? What are your favorite places in Almaty?
Son Pascal: I’m 26 years old. 26, oh my God! Kyzdar, you are so young! You know, I wanna be you nowJ I’m just a normal boy, a musician. I like composing songs and writing lyrics, enjoying myself, eating good food. So, basically you can find me in Almaty in restaurants. I like Turkish foodJ
Dana: Do you like Kazakh food?
Son Pascal: Yeah, of course, konechno! I like beshbarmak, kumys-kozhe. Actually, two days ago I was playing in an outside Almaty, and I stopped at this place, to eat shashlyk and kozhe. Really goodJ
Dana: What does fashion mean to you?
Son Pascal: Nothing.
Dana: Don’t you care about your looks?
Son Pascal: I do. But I don’t define it like fashion. It’s just wearing something that I like. I’m not an addict, you know. I’m wearing this ring because I like it, not because I wanna be the part of the Fashion World. I just wear whatever I feel comfortable in. I don’t know. I don’t feel like I’m a fashion follower. I like the beauty. I like when I see the harmony in a dress. For example, your dresses, girls, today are very harmonic. It suits you. Your white dress suits your white skin, and your necklace is really elegant. I can say, but I don’t like speaking like fashion. Or your black dress is the mirror of your dark hair, and you look pretty good like this. I’m not floating, I’m just being objective. I mean I’m not a big fan of showing off.
Dana: So, you just feel the beauty of fashion, but you don’t care about it. Right?
Son Pascal: I’m not obsessed like some people even here.
Dana: Do you think that you’re a fashion guy?
Son Pascal: I’m not really a fashion guy. Yan Ray is fashionJ
Dana: What about personal style? Something, that you really like, like red jeans J
Son Pascal: Ok. I don’t have a personal style, because a lot of people dress like me, especially in England. May be for Kazakhstan I can be in a 10% of people who dress in this way. My personality is more in the objects that I can wear, even like glasses. Really retrosexual.
Dana: What do you think about fashion in Kazakhstan? Do you often see fashion people in the streets?
Son Pascal: Let’s call it beauty. I would like to talk about beauty. I think that this country has got much more to offer than England or any country in Europe. Because of Harmony. Even girls in the streets are much more clean, you know. I’ve been in Manchester two month ago at the disco with some friends, and we saw this girls dressed in micro skirts, fat and ugly girls in florescent yellow micro skirts, and I said: On my God! What is this? Do you wanna impress some guys with this look? I think you can’t impress, but scare them. But, eventually, there are people who like this. But this country is a bit more virgin. It’s not corrupted by this kind of sexual obsession, that we have in Europe, and this is a good thing! So we are lucky to have in Kazakhstan such beautiful girls, and that they have clean approach to fashion and clean approach to life. And I really like the harmony in the way they dress. I don’t like super make-up, I like freshness. The expression of the nature excites me more. Because it’s true. I’m more attracted to a girl, who can give me her energy, for what she is without too much stuff on her face.

Dana: What is your favorite piece of clothes? What do you usually wear?
Son Pascal: T-shirt and trousers are my favorite staff. Well, they are important, because I would never go without trousers. May be, with my nice underwear with little hearts…J I really like shoes. Now, I’m just trying to be honest. I have a bit of an addiction with buying shoes.
Dana: What kind of shoes do you like?
Son Pascal: I like this kind of shoes, because I’m a little bit short. I’m not the tallest man, so I need a little bit of heel. So, I like shoes with heels. You know, not like Lenny Kravitz. Not even like Spice Girls. They are also more comfortable. But yesterday I got a pair of crocs. (about Prada) I don’t like Prada shoes. The classic line is alright, but not the sport line. I don’t like it when I see a big logo. It’s mambet for me.
Dana: Do you miss Italy?
Son Pascal: Yeah, yeah. I find really good emotions here, really good people, so I don’t miss my country too much. Of course I miss some smells, some tastes, some words of my mother. Because you know, Italian people love their mommy <3. I understood how important it is now, to love your mama. I miss it, but I’m alright here. I’m working a lot, I’m doing my staff.
Dana: So, you feel comfortable being here in KZ?
Son Pascal: Really comfortable. People are amazing. I love everything about them. Of course, silly people are everywhere
Dana: Was it difficult for you to live here when you had just come? May be because of the language. Not many people know it.
Son Pascal: Yeah, You know English much more than we, Italians. Yeah, I had an approach problem, because, of course, it’s a different country, different religion, different social attitude, even though it’s very similar to Italian ones. Yeah, we are very similar: warm and friendly. I feel this friendliness. It was difficult. I mean I was living with Anuar for two month, sleeping in his room and sharing everything. If you really believe, that you can make something to world like music, like art, you have to make a bed, you have to go. For example, in Italy, in Europe, it’s not the green field for art, because of the crisis, because of people, they’re just tired. They don’t invest even in music. You know, here economy is working better, so the beginning is quite soft.
Dana: Why do you think fashion portal Look.TM called you fashionable, stylish person?
Son Pascal: Am I a fashionable person? J Wow! I think they see in me value, which can be fashion. I don’t really take much care when I go out. I don’t even look that much in the mirror. Because I always thought, that music is the most important thing for me. But, of course, my job imposes me some standards: I couldn’t come here in an Adidas trousers and classic shoes and Armani T-shirt, or fake Gucci with huge logo. Actually, the day after tomorrow the new video will be released. It’s called @You should speak kazaksha”. It’s a reggy song. You, girls, are invited. So, please, come. Actually, in this video I’m very “fashion”: I’m wearing classic shoes, Adidas trousers and Superman t-shirt, and a Kazakh hat.
Dana: OkJ How do you ideate your future? Do you want to connect it with music or business?
Son Pascal: Yeah, of course. Well, music can be business, if you do it well. My future is music and art. I don’t know, if I’ll be an actor in future, but I’m a musician. This is my primal thing. And I’m a composer, ranger, singer, and musician. So music is the best I can do. Apart from cooking, because I’m a really cook. I’m better with pasta, not pizza.
Dana: Your girlfriend must be lucky! When and why have you become interested in music?
Son Pascal: Well, no one in my family is a musician, so I got this thing on my own. I was, may be, 10 when they gave me my first guitar. I saw one of my friends playing the guitar very badly, so I said “oh, I wanna play this guitar. I think I can be better in this”. I liked music from the beginning, but then I began to study it when I was in the High school, like 16. I wanted to be flirty with girls, because I didn’t think I was a nice boy, I was partly fat when I was an adolescent. So, my only weapon was music.
Dana: Have you ever written songs for someone?
Son Pascal: Yeah. I think every song is inspired by a person. We are people, so I think that the most of the emotions we have in a day is for person. May be if my cat will die I’ll be sad. But most of them are for suffering because of relationships, missing someone, lonely and staff. My most song for me is called “Beautiful world”. When I wrote it, I was really sad. I was in London and it was raining outside. Shit day. So I wrote this song. When I’m sad, I write beautiful songs.
Dana: For who are your most songs for? May be there’s a one person?
Son Pascal: No! Because in life you have lots of experiences, you meet new people: some of they go, and some of they come. I don’t have a muse. I have different muses. Some of them are really far from me right now, some of them are really close. I change, you know. But you know, I’m a handworker. When I have to write a song, I don’t look for inspiration. I open my Macbook and I start writing, start playing guitar or piano, or bitboxing and I write some songs.
I'm very Thankful to Son Pascal for agreeing to be interviewed!
Thanks for watching xoxo;*